Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The past few days

I know, I know, I've been a slacker in the blogging department.  I am 4 days behind, but last weekend was crazy with Adi's 4th Birthday and then now Christmas just being 1 day away I haven't had a second to myself in awhile.  So I am just going to go ahead and catch up on all 4 days and go ahead and do the last day because that's tomorrow, Christmas Eve, and I can guarantee my evening will be spent with family and other Christmas festivities until late.  So here we go, bare with me.
Day 26: If you had $1,000,000.00 how would you spend it?
  I would pay off all debt, buy a new house with a basement and 5 bedrooms, with a nice big kitchen and a huge master bathroom with a big bathtub.  I would then do some traveling and save the rest.

Day 27:  A problem you have or have had in the past
  Right now my biggest problem is lack of sleep.  I want sleep, one night of uninterrupted sleep would be fabulous.  I can't say that enough, I WANT MORE SLEEP.
Other than this, all my problems are not worth sharing right now because they are typical, stupid problems I think we all have and they are honestly pretty boring.

Day 28:  Something that you miss
  See Day 27 :)
I also miss my life before having kids.  Don't get me wrong, I love having my kids, but there are days I would love to go back and be just us again.

Day 29:  List 10 people dead or alive you would invite to dinner and include the menu
  Oh gosh, I don't know, I do know I would have the hubs make his famous Filipino dish Pina A Po Minok, translated into the sitting chicken.  This is made with a whole chicken simmered in garlic, ginger, onion and sprite for 2-3 hours.  Mmm, it is so delicious.  I don't think I would invite anyone other than family and friends mainly because I'm shy when it comes to new people.  As nice as it would be to have someone famous over for dinner, it would also be very stressful and awkward for me. So let's just stick with my closest friends and family for this one.

Day 30:  My goals for the next 30 days
  I would honestly like to continue this blog the best I can.  I don't know if my topics will be as interesting because I don't have something to go off of, but I'll give it a try.  I would also like to start being healthier, I don't know why this is so hard for me, but it always has been and hopefully one day it sticks.  I would also like to just keep us all healthy and happy, pretty basic and simple, but that's where we are for the next 30 days.

My challenge is over, and I am kinda sad, but hopefully there will be another one out there in the future for everyone to enjoy with me.


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