Thursday, December 11, 2014

A year of highs, and trying to just forget about the lows

Today's post is supposed to be on my highs and lows of the year.  I know I've had lows, and I don't care to go down that road at this time.  I've put them in the past, and they are there for a reason.  If I were to go and bring them back it may end in me being crazy, zombie, I hate everything Cammi.  It took me almost 2 years to figure out how to get over them, and this year I did, that is a high, they are gone, buried for good reason, and now we're getting off that topic.

I have a lot of highs, just about every day has it's share of highs.  My biggest high of this year is having my little Jack Jack.
This little man brings me so much happiness every single day.  He is my little buddy and I'm so glad he's in our family.  
Due to him coming to us, our family became complete.  I would post a picture, but we don't have our pictures back yet from our photographer, AKA Bryce's awesome sister.  
Another huge high that is still in the works per say is some awesome news we got about Bryce's job and where we are going with it.  I don't want to say too much on this just yet because there is still a bunch to get done with it, but it's a huge thing for our family and I can't wait for it all to fall into place and we can start our new adventure together.  
We have had family trips, time together and lots of laughs and memories.  I can't wait to see what the next year brings for us, I can only see good things headed our way. 

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