Thursday, November 27, 2014

Top 5 Pet Peeves

I am getting to this 20 minutes late due to my crazy obsession with Black Friday shopping, but we'll talk about that another day :)  This topic is weirdly kind of a hard one for me.  I know I have pet peeves but I honestly can't think of a whole lot right off the top of my head so I'm going to do my best and i'm sure later down the road I'll talk about a lot of things that really irk me.  

1.  Crazy, mean, aggressive drivers.  Oh gosh, I found one :)  I hate the ones that cut me off, ride my tail and are just plain stupid drivers.  I really hate when I'm the passenger in one of the cars that it happens to and the driver gets mad and starts driving aggressively.  I truly believe this is a huge possibility that this is how i'm going to die.  Weird, yes, but some of things that my husband, I mean, people I am a passenger with, do to make someone realize they "wronged" them make me crazy.   

2.  Rude customers.  I don't work anymore but after working in Customer Service I realized how mean people can be.  They complain about the dumbest things and sometimes are just whining just to whine.  I make a huge effort to be nice as a customer and only make a deal of something when necessary which is usually hardly ever. 

3.  Flakes.  I have known too many flakes in my life to not put this on my list.  I hate making plans and then all of a sudden it falls through.  Now let me clarify a little, there are times when this is okay and I don't get bugged like sickness, emergencies and things like that.  But just because you don't want to or I find out you blew me or my kids off to go do something different with another friend will put you on my not so awesome friend list.  I try my hardest to make plans and keep them, I really honestly expect you to do the same for me.

4.  The term "In-Laws" (said in the roll your eyes tone of voice).  I absolutely love my other family AKA my hubby's family and Brother's wife.  From day 1 Bryce and I have always said we didn't want to feel like, ugh, we have to go to the in-laws, but to love them and hopefully get that love and respect in return.  I feel like I've belonged to my other family forever now that i'm in it.  Yes, we did have our struggles at first but those are a distant past we don't need to think about because now I have 3 awesome sisters and 2 brothers gained from that family.  I can't leave out Caryn, she's my sister period.  I call her with everything you would call your sister with from the good the bad and the ugly.  She has listened to many struggles and sat with me so I could just vent and helped me through some hard times.  I am so grateful for these awesome inherited siblings, and parents I get to call my family. 

5.  People telling me how to live my life.  I'll make this short and sweet, I know what i'm doing, this is my life, i'm doing what I feel is best for me and my family, so move along.  If I want your opinion i'll ask for it.  

Whew, now that I've got started I could keep going but I won't, I should probably get to bed before Jack Jack wakes up so get some mommy snuggles and eat.

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